Are Eggs good or
bad for you?
Each egg has 78 calories & is an efficient,
rich source of protein and vitamins
Can eggs help you
get healthier?
Eggs: The healthiest,
most absorbable protein source
"Are chicken eggs good or bad for my cholesterol?"
I’ve got a nutrition tip for you. Today we’re going to talk about one of the healthiest, most absorbable protein sources that you could possibly consume - and that's eggs. But they have a bad stigma about them, so I’m going to explain it.
I had a client; I wrote him a meal plan: 5 whole eggs a day, red meat every single night.
About a month ago, we went to the doctor for his yearly checkup. (This client is 52, by the way) The doctor looked at his list and was blown away. His triglycerides, his blood pressure, his bad cholesterol all went down. His good cholesterol went up, and he's lost a ton of weight.
The doctor specifically said, “Hey, whatever you're doing, keep doing it!”
So I’,m going to explain all of this to you. You have a couple of types of eggs. You have your regular eggs, which are normally caged eggs; you have cage-free eggs, free-range eggs, and pasture-raised. I know it's getting a little confusing.
So, 90% of the eggs that we eat come from hens that are caged and have half of a square foot of living space. They’re pumped full of hormones, they’re fed nothing but corn and soy, and they never see the light of day. How disgusting is that? How cruel is that?
Then you have your cage-free eggs. They get a whopping one square foot of roaming space.
Then you had your free-range eggs. They get 2 square feet of roaming space. You want your hens to be out on the Earth getting the daylight, feeding off of the Earth because when we eat animals, we not only get nutrients from animals, but we get the nutrients that they’re eating from the Earth. So, we don’t want them to just eat corn and soy.
You want to get pasture-raised eggs. These are hens that get let out all day; they get the sunlight, they feed off the Earth, they’re chemical-free. The eggs are much, much healthier for you. A recent study came out, and it said that a pasture-raised egg vs. a regular egg had twice the amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for getting plaque off of your arteries, for reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, lowering your blood pressure. The pasture-raised eggs had three times more vitamin D, four times more vitamin E, and seven times more carotene, which is really good for your skin.
All in all, get the pasture-raised eggs, and don't throw the yolks out. The yolks are where the nutrients are. That's where all of the good stuff is. So don't be afraid to eat eggs, just focus on getting pasture-raised. Or, better yet, if you know somebody with chickens, or if you have chickens, that's the healthiest way you can go!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!
I'm Austin at, have a good one, guys!